On December 1 and December 28, 2021, two of the authors of Nature 586, 373 (2020) , "Room-temperature superconductivity in a carbonaceous sulfur hydride", posted tables of raw data for magnetic susceptibility of CSH, in arXiv:2111.15017v1 and arXiv:2111.15017v2

The data from the posted tables can be found in the files below, first column is temperature in K, second column is voltage in nV. The data in the posted tables are (presumably, it's not specified) given in Volt. The difference between the Measured Voltage and the Superconducting Signal, which presumably is the measured background, is also given below.
Please report any discrepancy found between the numbers in the files below and those listed in the posted tables to jhirsch@ucsd.edu. Thank you.

138 GPa Measured Voltage
138 GPa Superconducting Signal
138 GPa background = Voltage - Signal

160 GPa Measured Voltage
160 GPa Superconducting Signal
160 GPa background = Voltage - Signal

166 GPa Measured Voltage
166 GPa Superconducting Signal
166 GPa background = Voltage - Signal

178 GPa Measured Voltage
178 GPa Superconducting Signal
178 GPa background = Voltage - Signal

182 GPa Measured Voltage
182 GPa Superconducting Signal
182 GPa background = Voltage - Signal

189 GPa Measured Voltage
189 GPa Superconducting Signal
189 GPa background = Voltage - Signal

Analysis of these data is given in:
Preprints 2021, 2021120115 Disconnect between Published AC Magnetic Susceptibility of a Room Temperature Superconductor and Measured Raw Data,
Preprints 2021, 2021120188 Incompatibility of Published AC Magnetic Susceptibility of a Room Temperature Superconductor with Measured Raw Data,
Preprints 2022, 2022010003 Superconductivity in Carbonaceous Sulfur Hydride: Further Analysis of Relation between Published AC Magnetic Susceptibility Data and Measured Raw Data
arXiv:2201.07686 Comment on Nature 586, 373 (2020) by E. Snider et al., by D. van der Marel and J. E. Hirsch