Physica B 163, 291 (1990)
I review recent work on a new point of view to understand the origin of superconductivity and metallic ferromagnetism in solids. Both of these collective effects are proposed to originate in the Coulomb interaction between band electrons. The common aspect of the physics that leads to both instabilities is stressed. It is pointed out that the validity of these ideas is likely to be convincingly established or disproved once metallic hydrogen is synthesized in the laboratory.
See also:
Superconductivity and Ferromagnetism from Effective Mass Reduction
cond-mat/0007453 (Los Alamos) ,
Physica C 341-348, 211 (2000).
Ferromagnetism from Undressing
cond-mat/0007454, Phys.Rev.B. 62, 14131 (2000).
Quasiparticle undressing: a new route to collective effects in solids
(2002), in "Concepts in Electron Correlation", ed. by A.C. Hewson and
V. Zlatic, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 2003, p. 371.