In quantum mechanics, carrier delocalization leads to lowering of kinetic energy. The theory of hole superconductivity predicts that when hole carriers pair they delocalize and lower their kinetic energy. This is the driving force for superconductivity. An experimental signature of it is change in color when the material becomes superconducting.
This is a new and qualitatively different paradigm for superconductivity. In the conventional BCS theory , superconductivity is driven by lowering of potential energy of carriers when they form pairs, and they increase their kinetic energy. Instead, in the new paradigm carriers pair because their kinetic energy decreases, even if there is some cost in potential energy. This is proposed to be the driving force for superconductivity in all materials.
Kinetic energy driven superconductivity explains the Meissner effect.
Superfluidity in 4He is also kinetic energy driven. This is clear from many experiments such as shown in the picture to the lower right, but not widely appreciated.
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