Materials: The high temperature superconductivity of the cuprates (hole-doped and electron-doped ), the arsenides, magnesium diboride, transition metal elements, and elements under high pressure have a natural explanation within this theory.
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45) Tunneling and thermoelectric effect in generalized tunnel junctions in the presence of electron-hole asymmetry , Phys. Rev. B 50, 3165 (1994).
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48) Pairing in a tight binding model with occupation-dependent hopping rate: exact diagonalization study , Phys.Rev. B. 52, 16155 (1995). (w/ H.Q. Lin)
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51) Slope of the superconducting gap function in $Bi_2Sr_2CaCu_2O_{8+\delta}$ measured by vacuum tunneling spectroscopy Phys. Rev. B 59 , 11962 (1999).
52) Where is 99% of the condensation energy of Tl_2Ba_2CuO_y coming from? cond-mat/9908322, Physica C 331, 150 (2000) (w/ F. Marsiglio)
53) Optical sum rule violation, superfluid weight and condensation energy in the cuprates With F. Marsiglio , cond-mat/0004496, Phys. Rev. B 62, 15131 (2000).
54) Anisotropic penetration depth and optical sum rule violation in La2-xSrxCuO4 With F. Marsiglio , cond-mat/0005002, presented at the 6th International Conference on Materials and Mechanisms of Superconductivity, Houston, February 2000, Physica C 341-348, 2217 (2000).
55) Hole superconductivity from kinetic energy gain ,cond-mat/0005033, presented at the 6th International Conference on Materials and Mechanisms of Superconductivity, Houston, February 2000, Physica C 341-348, 213 (2000).
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58) Consequences of charge imbalance in superconductors within the theory of hole superconductivity , cond-mat/0012517, Phys.Lett.A 281, 44 (2001)
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60) Hole Superconductivity in $Mg B_2$: a high $T_c$ cuprate without Cu , cond-mat/0102115 , Phys. Lett. A282, p.392-398 (2001).
61) Electron-Phonon or Hole Superconductivity in $MgB_2$? , With F. Marsiglio , cond-mat/0102479 (2001), Phys. Rev. B 64, 144523 (2001).
62) Hole Superconductivity in MgB_2, Cuprates, and Other Materials , cond-mat/0106310 (2001) (Los Alamos) in "Studies of High Temperature Superconductors", ed. by A. Narlikar, Nova Sci. Pub., New York, 2002, Vol. 38, p. 49.
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65) Why holes are not like electrons: A microscopic analysis of the differences between holes and electrons in condensed matter , Phys.Rev. B 65, 184502 (2002), cond-mat/0109385 (2001).
66) Quantum Monte Carlo and exact diagonalization study of a dynamic Hubbard model , cond-mat/0201005 (2002), Phys.Rev. B65, 214510 (2002).
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68) Quasiparticle undressing in a dynamic Hubbard model: exact diagonalization study , cond-mat/0205006 (2002), Phys.Rev. B66, 064507 (2002).
69) Electronic dynamic Hubbard model: exact diagonalization study , cond-mat/0207369 (2002), Phys.Rev. B67, 035103 (2003).
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71) Electron-hole asymmetry and superconductivity , cond-mat/0211643, Phys.Rev.B 68, 012510 (2003).
72) Electron-hole asymmetry is the key to superconductivity , cond-mat/0301610, New3SC-4 meeting, San Diego, Jan. 16-21 2003, Int. J. Mod. Phys. B 17, 3236 (2003)
73) Superconductors as giant atoms predicted by the theory of hole superconductivity , cond-mat/0301611 , Phys.Lett.A 309, 457 (2003).
74) The Lorentz force and superconductivity , cond-mat/0305542, Phys.Lett.A 315, 474 (2003).
75) Superconductors as giant atoms: qualitative aspects , cond-mat/0305574, AIP Conf. Proc. 695(1) 21 (17 Dec 2003).
76) Charge expulsion and electric field in superconductors , cond-mat/0308604, Phys.Rev. B 68, 184502 (2003).
77) Dynamic Hubbard Model: Effect of Finite Boson Frequency , F. Marsiglio, R. Teshima, JEH, cond-mat/0307594 (2003), Phys.Rev. B 68, 224507 (2003).
78) Predicted electric field near small superconducting ellipsoids , cond-mat/0312618 (2003), Phys.Rev.Lett. 92, 016402 (2004).
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80) Spin currents in superconductors , cond-mat/0406489 (2004), Phys.Rev. B 71, 184521 (2005).
81) The fundamental role of charge asymmetry in superconductivity , cond-mat/0407642 (Los Alamos), J. Phys. Chem. Solids 67, p.21 (2006), SNS'2004, Sitges,Spain, July 11-16,2004
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83) Why holes are not like electrons. II. The role of the electron-ion interaction. , Phys.Rev. B 71, 104522 (2005), cond-mat/0504013 (2005).
84) Explanation of the Tao effect, cond-mat/0502626 (2005), Phys.Rev.Lett. 94, 187001 (2005).
85) Spin currents, relativistic effects and the Darwin interaction in the theory of hole superconductivity , cond-mat/0508471 (2005), Phys.Lett. A 345, 453 (2005).
86) Ionizing radiation from superconductors in the theory of hole superconductivity, J. Phys. Cond. Matter 19, 125217 (2007).
87) Do superconductors violate Lenz's law? Body rotation under field cooling and theoretical implications, Phys.Lett. A366, 615 (2007).
88) Spin Meissner Effect in Superconductors and the Origin of the Meissner Effect , arXiv:0710.0876 (2007), Europhys. Lett. 81, 67003 (2008).
89) Electrodynamics of spin currents in superconductors , arXiv:0803.1198 (2008), Ann. Phys. (Berlin) 17, 380 (2008).
90) The missing angular momentum of superconductors , arXiv:0803.2054, (2008), J. Phys. Cond. Matt. 20, 235233 (2008).
91) Hole superconductivity in Arsenic-Iron compounds . With F. Marsiglio , arXiv:0804.0002, (2008), Physica C 468, 1047 (2008).
92) Charge expulsion, Spin Meissner effect, and charge inhomogeneity in superconductors , arXiv:0810.5127, (2008), Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism 22, 131 (2009).
93) Why holes are not like electrons. III. How holes in the normal state turn into electrons in the superconducting state, arXiv:0901.3612 (2009), Int. J. Mod. Phys. B 23, 3035 (2009), Erratum.
94) BCS theory of superconductivity: it is time to question its validity, Physica Scripta 80 (2009) 035702.
95) Explanation of the Meissner Effect and Prediction of a Spin Meissner Effect in Low and High $T_c$ Superconductors, Physica C 470, S955 (2010).
96) Why non-superconducting metallic elements become superconducting under high pressure. With J.J. Hamlin, Physica C 470, S937 (2010).
97) Electromotive forces and the Meissner effect puzzle, Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism 23, 309 (2010)
98) A new basis set for the description of electrons in superconductors , Physics Letters A 373, 1880 (2009)
99) Why holes are not like electrons. IV. Hole undressing and spin current in the superconducting state , Int. Jour. Mod. Phys. B 24, 3627 (2010), arXiv 1002.2688.
100) Hole core in superconductors and the origin of the Spin Meissner effect, Physica C 470, 635 (2010)
Spin-split states in aromatic molecules and superconductors,
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Kinetic energy driven superconductivity, the origin of the Meissner effect, and the reductionist frontier,
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Materials and mechanisms of hole superconductivity,
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Meissner effect, Spin Meissner effect and charge expulsion in superconductors ,
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Kinetic energy driven superconductivity and superfluidity
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The origin of the Meissner effect in new and old superconductors
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Experimental consequences of predicted charge rigidity of superconductors,
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Correcting 100 years of misunderstanding: electric fields in superconductors, hole superconductivity, and the Meissner effect,
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Kinetic energy driven superfluidity and superconductivity and the origin of the Meissner effect,
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Prediction of unexpected behavior of the mean inner potential of superconductors,
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Dynamic Hubbard model: kinetic energy driven charge expulsion,
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Apparent increase in the thickness of superconducting particles at low temperatures
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114) Charge expulsion, charge inhomogeneity and phase separation in dynamic Hubbard models, arXiv:1307.6526,
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Superconductivity, diamagnetism, and the mean inner potential of solids,
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116) The London moment: what a rotating superconductor reveals about superconductivity, arXiv:1310.3834 (2013), Physica Scripta 89, 015806 (2014).
117) Dynamic Hubbard model for solids with hydrogen-like atoms, arXiv:1406.7332 (2014), Phys. Rev. B 90, 104501 (2014).
118) Effect of orbital relaxation on the band structure of cuprate superconductors and implications for the superconductivity mechanism, arXiv:1407.0042 (2014), Phys. Rev. B90, 184515 (2014).
119) Proposed experimental test of an alternative electrodynamic theory of superconductors, arXiv:1409.0869 (2014), Physica C 508, 21 (2015).
120) Hole superconductivity in H2S and other sulfides under high pressure, with F. Marsiglio, arXiv:1412.6251 (2014), Physica C 511, 45 (2015).
121) Absence of Josephson coupling between certain superconductors, arxiv: 1502.07059 (2015), Europhys. Lett. 109, 67005 (2015).
122) Dynamics of the normal-superconductor phase transition and the puzzle of the Meissner effect , arxiv: 1504.05190 (2015), Annals of Physics 362, 1 (2015).
123) On the dynamics of the Meissner effect, arxiv: 1508.03307 (2015), Physica Scripta 91, 035801 (2016).
123') Corrigendum on "On the dynamics of the Meissner effect", arXiv:1609.06299 (2016), Physica Scripta 91, 099501 (2016).
124) The Bohr superconductor, arxiv: 1512.05014 (2015), Europhys. Lett. 113, 37001 (2016).
125) The disappearing momentum of the supercurrent in the superconductor to normal phase transformation, arxiv:1604.03565 (2016), Europhys. Lett. 114, 57001 (2016) .
126) On the reversibitity of the Meissner effect and the angular momentum puzzle, arXiv:1604.07443 (2016), Annals of Physics 373, 230 (2016).
127) Proposed experimental test of the theory of hole superconductivity, Physica C 525, 44 (2016).
128) What is the speed of the supercurrent in superconductors?, arXiv:1605.09469 (2016).
129) Momentum of superconducting electrons and the explanation of the Meissner effect, arXiv:1609.08451 (2016), Phys. Rev. B 95, 014503 (2017).
130) Entropy generation and momentum transfer in the superconductor-normal and normal-superconductor phase transformations and the consistency of the conventional theory of superconductivity, arxiv: 1703.04404 (2017), Int. J. Mod. Phys. Vol. 32, 1850158 (2018).
131) Why only hole conductors can be superconductors, Proc. SPIE 10105, Oxide-based Materials and Devices VIII, 101051V (March 7, 2017), arXiv:1703.09777.
132) Towards an understanding of hole superconductivity, Springer Series in Materials Science 255, 99 (2017)---- arXiv:1704.07452.
133) Spinning Superconductors and Ferromagnets, Acta Physica Polonica A 133, 350 (2018)
134) Moment of inertia of superconductors, arXiv:1808.02857 (2018), Physics Letters A 383, 83 (2019)
135) Defying inertia: how rotating superconductors generate magnetic fields , arXiv:1812.06780 (2018), Annalen der Physik (2019).
136) Understanding electron-doped cuprate superconductors as hole superconductors , with F. Marsiglio, arXiv:1904.09164 (2019), Physica C 564, 29 (2019)
137) Hole superconductivity in infinite-layer nickelates , with F. Marsiglio, arXiv:1909.00509 (2019), Physica C 566, 1353534 (2019)
138) Alfven-like waves along normal-superconductor phase boundaries , arXiv:1906.03083 (2019), Physica C 564, 42 (2019)
139) Thermodynamic inconsistency of the conventional theory of superconductivity, arXiv:1907.11273 (2019), IJMPB (2020).
140) Superconducting materials: the whole story, arXiv:1908.04419 (2019), J Supercond Nov Magn (2019).
141) How Alfven's theorem explains the Meissner effect, arXiv:1909.11443 (2019), MPLB (2020).
142) Inconsistency of the conventional theory of superconductivity, arXiv:1909.12786 (2019), EPL 130, 17006 (2020).
143) Joule heating in the normal-superconductor phase transition in a magnetic field, arXiv:2001.07509 (2020), Physica C 576, 1353687 (2020).
144) Magnetic flux expulsion in a superconducting wire, arXiv:2106.00262 (2021), Physics Letters A 413, 127592 (2021).
145) Hole Superconductivity xOr Hot Hydride Superconductivity, J. Appl. Phys. 130, 181102 (2021)
146) Superconducting materials: Judge and jury of BCS-electron–phonon theory, Appl. Phys. Lett. 121, 080501 (2022)
147) Superconductivity, what the H? the emperor has no clothes, International Journal of Modern Physics B 38, 2430001 (2024)
148) On Thermal and Electrodynamic Aspects of the Superconductive Transition Process, Materials 17, 254 (2024).
149) Hole Superconductivity, OSF Preprints (2024).
150) Does the Meissner effect violate the second law of thermodynamics?, Physica C 1354618 (2025).