Analysis of CSH ac magnetic susceptibility raw data

On December 1 and December 28, 2021, two of the authors of Nature 586, 373 (2020) , "Room-temperature superconductivity in a carbonaceous sulfur hydride", posted tables of raw data for magnetic susceptibility of CSH, in arXiv:2111.15017v1 and arXiv:2111.15017v2

The data from the posted tables can be found here

We have analyzed these raw data and report on the result of this analysis in:
(1) Preprints 2021, 2021120115 Disconnect between Published AC Magnetic Susceptibility of a Room Temperature Superconductor and Measured Raw Data,
This paper was submitted to the journal Condensed Matter. It was reviewed by 4 referees, all of them recommended publication after minor changes. Subsequently, the Editors thought about it for more than 2 months, thereafter declined publication, on the grounds that they came to the conclusion after "careful checking" that the paper "does not report new experimental or theoretical results."
(2) Preprints 2021, 2021120188 Incompatibility of Published AC Magnetic Susceptibility of a Room Temperature Superconductor with Measured Raw Data, Nature declined to publish it as "Matters Arising".
(3) Preprints 2022, 2022010003, posted, then mysteriously withdrawn by, pdf here: Superconductivity in Carbonaceous Sulfur Hydride: Further Analysis of Relation between Published AC Magnetic Susceptibility Data and Measured Raw Data . Now published in Europhysics Letters
(4) arXiv:2201.07686 Comment on Nature 586, 373 (2020) by E. Snider et al., by D. van der Marel and J. E. Hirsch. Arxiv decided it has "inflammatory content" and withdrew it.
(5) Preprints 2022, 2022020005 Analysis Of Ac Magnetic Susceptibility Data Of A Room Temperature Superconductor, by J. E. Hirsch (with D. van der Marel)

Arxiv had no objections to posting arXiv:2111.15017v1 and arXiv:2111.15017v2, but refused to post our analysis arxiv:submit/4062867 (now Preprints 2021, 2021120115), arxiv:submit/4066666 (now Preprints 2021, 2021120188), arxiv:submit/4102690 (now in Europhysics Letters), arxiv:submit/4143079 (now Preprints 2022, 2022020005), and arxiv:submit/4145039.

Earlier history:

On the ac magnetic susceptibility of a room temperature superconductor: anatomy of a probable scientific fraud

arXiv:2110.12854 (2021).
Physica C, in press, , temporarily removed
pre-proof (pdf)

In Nature 586, 373 (2020), Snider et al announced the experimental discovery of room temperature superconductivity in a carbonaceous sulfur hydride under high pressure, hereafter called CSH. The paper reported sharp drops in the measured magnetic susceptibility as a function of temperature for five different pressures, that were claimed to be a superior test signaling a superconducting transition. Here I present several arguments indicating that the susceptibility data published in the paper were probably fraudulent. This calls into question the validity of the entire paper and its claim of detection of room temperature superconductivity. I also describe the roadblocks that I have encountered in reaching this conclusion. A variety of implications of this situation are discussed.
